October 8, 2014

Busy busy happy bee, that's me!

Octobre, 9th 2014

Lately more and more the urge of blogging is itching me. So why not just jump right into it...
I never dreamed getting as far as this day, with this ongoing cancer inside me. Life is unpredictable.
Lots of things happened of course, too much to memorise all in detail.
Lets restart this experimental handycraft blog.
Lets start with.....


Autumn came trodding in, silently at first, but more drumming recently with heavy raindrops and some lightning and thunder too.
Purfect time to hear my pretty Featherweight purr and running, buzzing like a busy bee, such satisfying zoomzzzzzoooming, happy humming bee she is my Scottish Featherweight, living with me now as Pretty Kitty. :-)

I have been busy with lots of teeny weeny stitchery and sewing projects.

Like my ongoing Cathedral Window project. Sewed all Summer most happily in our secret sunpatched little garden. I ran out of the red and white dotted fabric (That was in the workshop starters packet I bought at the wonderful Dotty weekend in March. What a treat that was! Met so many wonderful cheery people! It is realy a happy gathering quilting world.)

So I decided to make it also scrappy in red. First you have to cut a 15 cm square. Then you stitch the seam at 4 sides a scant 1/4 inch. Yes, I like a scant 1/4 inch seam allowance. It is just a teeny weeny more than 1/2 cm seam. You make kind of wee cushion bags, leaving a tiny opening so you can turn it inside out. Tada! Step 1. That's the machine part of it. The rest of the sewing is all done by hand.
More detail you'll find under chapter 'Cathedral Windows'.

...And after those, the ears of my teeny weeny pink felt eliphant, i found hiding in one of my boxes. Bought her years ago. She was beggng me for some broad day light. Here she comes...

...And the second log cabin, teeny weeny block in blues, red and whites.

This was Monday.

Yesterday it was third log cabin block time.
Here it is, in contempory fabrics. Last years birthday present from my sister Ruth.
This time I precut the strips the exact length they needed to be. Find this tutorial by modafabrics on my pinterest cupboard.
Here. (Don't know if this will work in Blog App on ipad.)

This one has made it into a teeny weeny pincushion. See? Almost there...... Just need to do some filling and embellish it with a crochet loop.

Soon I'll have three teeny weeny log cabin pincushions.
What will i do with them? Ah! Here comes a teeny weeny secret, not telling you yet :-)

Three teeny weeny pincushions to beee....
Wait and seeee!

You know, I think I get the hang of it... These log cabin blocks. I do like the precut mode. It is a bit more effort before you actually can start sewing,  but once you have measured and cut it all to your liking, and start actually sewing, it runs like a smooth train. Slow one, that is. Only one wee mistake this time.... sewing  on the wrong line.. Funny!
A wee lay out of strips on card board.

My mr B was also wandering around in the house. Had a peri-apical inflammation that bothered him, (wortelpuntontsteking) and he went under surgery this Wednesday morning. Auch!
He captured me, his happy cutting girl..... What will he do without his camera, I wonder....

After all this teeny weeny happy sewing, this lady was so tired, she decided to give it a rest. You know it was only two days ago I did have my 6th chemo treatment of Caelyx. But I had to roam on the quilting track. I simply had to.
It is such comfort and gives so much feel good, healing if you like, seeing something beautiful growing right under your nose and own hands.
It creates this teeny weeny happy bee. Me!


  1. Ohhh wat ben jij met mooie projecten bezig!! Het is allemaal zo fijn om aan te werken! Gewoon lekker bezig! Go Girl Go!!

  2. Wat leuk dat je olifantje al in wording is! en dat Pretty Kitty het zo goed doet (met jou erachter natuurlijk). En dat kartonnetje komt me ergens bekend van voor. Hmm, wat zou daar nou in hebben gezeten. Past volgens mij heel mooi een reep chocola in ;-). Lekker bezig, en ook nog her en der een zonnetje oogsten. Grote knuf xxx

  3. Your red cathedral window blocks look so jolly. Greetings from Africa, Pennyxx
